ACTTION publications, including prior IMMPACT articles

  1. Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Allen RR, Bellamy N, Brandenburg N, Carr DB, Cleeland C, Dionne R, Farrar JT, Galer BS, Hewitt DJ, Jadad AR, Katz NP, Kramer LD, Manning DC, McCormick CG, McDermott MP, McGrath P, Quessy S, Rappaport BA, Robinson JP, Royal MA, Simon L, Stauffer JW, Stein W, Tollett J, Witter J. Core outcome domains for chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2003;106:337-345.

  2. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Farrar JT, Haythornthwaite JA, Jensen MP, Katz NP, Kerns RD, Stucki G, Allen RR, Bellamy N, Carr DB, Chandler J, Cowan P, Dionne R, Galer BS, Hertz S, Jadad AR, Kramer LD, Manning DC, Martin S, McCormick CG, McDermott MP, McGrath P, Quessy S, Rappaport BA, Robbins W, Robinson JP, Rothman M, Royal MA, Simon L, Stauffer JW, Stein W, Tollett J, Wernicke J, Witter J. Core outcome measures for chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2005;113:9-19.

  3. Stinson JN, Kavanagh T, Yamada J, Gill N, Stevens S. Systematic review of the psychometric properties, interpretability and feasibility of self-report pain intensity measures for use in clinical trials in children and adolescents. Pain, 2006;125:143-157.

  4. Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Burke LB, Gershon R, Rothman M, Scott J, Allen RR, Atkinson JH, Chandler J, Cleeland C, Cowan P, Dimitrova R, Dionne R, Farrar JT, Haythornthwaite JA, Hertz S, Jadad AR, Jensen MP, Kellstein D, Kerns RD, Manning DC, Martin S, Max MB, McDermott MP, McGrath P, Moulin DE, Nurmikko T, Quessy S, Raja S, Rappaport BA, Rauschkolb C, Robinson JP, Royal MA, Simon L, Stauffer JW, Stucki G, Tollett J, von Stein T, Wallace MS, Wernicke J, White RE, Williams AC, Witter J, Wyrwich KW. Developing outcome measures for pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2006;125:208-215.

  5. von Baeyer C, Spagrud LJ. Systematic review of observational (behavioral) measures of pain for children and adolescents aged 3 to 18 years. Pain, 2007;127:140-150.

  6. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Wyrwich KW, Beaton D, Cleeland CS, Farrar JT, Haythornthwaite JA, Jensen MP, Kerns RD, Ader DN, Brandenburg N, Burke LB, Cella D, Chandler J, Cowan P, Dimitrova R, Dionne R, Hertz S, Jadad AR, Katz NP, Kehlet H, Kramer LD, Manning DC, McCormick C, McDermott MP, McQuay HJ, Patel S, Porter L, Quessy S, Rappaport BA, Rauschkolb C, Revicki DA, Rothman M, Schmader KE, Stacey BR Stauffer JW, von Stein T, White RE, Witter J, Zavisic S. Interpreting the clinical importance of treatment outcomes in chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Journal of Pain, 2008;9:105-121.

  7. McGrath PJ, Walco G, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Brown MT, Davidson K, Eccleston C, Finley GA, Goldschneider K, Haverkos L, Hertz SH, Ljungman G, Palermo T, Rappaport BA, Rhodes T, Schechter N, Scott J, Sethna N, Svensson OK, Stinson J, von Baeyer CL, Walker L, Weisman S, White RE, Zajicek A, Zeltzer L. Core outcome domains and measures for pediatric acute and chronic/recurrent pain clinical trials: PedIMMPACT recommendations. Journal of Pain, 2008;9:771-783.

  8. Turk DC, Dworkin RH, McDermott MP, Bellamy N, Burke LB, Chandler JM, Cleeland CS, Cowan P, Dimitrova R, Farrar JT, Hertz S, Heyse JF, Iyengar S, Jadad JR, Jay GW, Jermano JA, Katz NP, Manning DC, Martin S, Max MB, McGrath P, McQuay HJ, Quessy S, Rappaport BA, Revicki DA, Rothman M, Stauffer JW, Svensson O, White RE, Witter J. Analyzing multiple endpoints in clinical trials of pain treatments: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2008;139:485-493.

  9. Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Revicki D, Harding G, Burke LB, Cella D, Cleeland CS, Cowan P, Farrar JT, Hertz S, Max MB, Rappaport BA. Identifying important outcome domains for chronic pain clinical trials: an IMMPACT survey of people with pain. Pain, 2008;137:276-285.

  10. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, McDermott MP, Peirce-Sandner S, Burke LB, Cowan P, Farrar JT, Hertz S, Raja SN, Rappaport BA, Rauschkolb C, Sampaio C. Interpreting the clinical importance of group differences in chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2009;146:238-244.

  11. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Revicki D, Harding G, Coyne KS, Peirce-Sandner S, Bhagwat D, Everton D, Burke LB, Cowan P, Farrar JT, Hertz S, Max MB, Rappaport BA, Melzack R. Development and initial validation of an expanded and revised version of the Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ-2). Pain, 2009;144:35-42.

  12. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Peirce-Sandner S, Baron R, Bellamy N, Burke LB, Chappell A, Chartier K, Cleeland CS, Costello A, Cowan P, Dimitrova R, Ellenberg S, Farrar JT, French JA, Gilron I, Hertz S, Jadad AR, Jay GW, Kalliomaki J, Katz NP, Kerns RD, Manning DC, McDermott MP, McGrath P, Narayana A, Porter L, Quessy S, Rappaport BA, Rauschkolb C, Reeve B, Rhodes T, Sampaio C, Simpson DM, Stauffer JW, Stucki G, Tobias J, White RE, Witter J. Research design considerations for confirmatory chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2010;149:177-193.

  13. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Peirce-Sandner S, McDermott MP, Farrar JT, Hertz S, Katz NP, Raja SN, Rappaport BA. Placebo and treatment group responses in postherpetic neuralgia vs. painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy clinical trials in the REPORT database. Pain, 2010;150:12-16.

  14. Rappaport BA, Cerny I, Sanhai WR. ACTION on the prevention of chronic pain after surgery. Anesthesiology, 2010;112:509-510.

  15. Dworkin RH, Peirce-Sandner S, Turk DC, McDermott MP, Gibofsky A, Simon LS, Farrar JT, Katz NP. Outcome measures in placebo-controlled trials of osteoarthritis: responsiveness to treatment effects in the REPORT database. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2011;19:483-492. (Corrigendum: Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2011;19:919).

  16. Dworkin RH, Turk DC. Accelerating the development of improved analgesic treatments: the ACTION public-private partnership. Pain Medicine, 2011;12:S109-S117.

  17. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Katz NP, Rowbotham MC, Peirce-Sandner S, Cerny I, Clingman CS, Eloff BC, Farrar JT, Kamp C, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Sanhai WR. Evidence-based clinical trial design for chronic pain pharmacotherapy: a blueprint for ACTION. Pain, 2011;152(suppl):S107-S115.

  18. Comer SD, Zacny JP, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Bigelow GE, Foltin RW, Jasinski DR, Sellers EM, Adams EH, Balster R, Burke LB, Cerny I, Colucci RD, Cone E, Cowan P, Farrar JT, Haddox JD, Haythornthwaite JA, Hertz S, Jay GW, Johanson CE, Junor R, Katz NP, Klein M, Kopecky EA, Leiderman DB, McDermott MP, O'Brien C, O'Connor AB, Palmer PP, Raja SN, Rappaport BA, Rauschkolb C, Rowbotham MC, Sampaio C, Setnick B, Sokolowska M, Stauffer JW, Walsh SL. Core outcome measures for opioid abuse liability laboratory assessment studies in humans: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2012;153:2315-2324.

  19. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Peirce-Sandner S, Burke LB, Farrar JT, Gilron I, Jensen MP, Katz NP, Raja SN, Rappaport BA, Rowbotham MC, Backonja MM, Baron R, Bellamy N, Bhagwagar Z, Costello A, Cowan P, Fang WC, Hertz S, Jay GW, Junor R, Kerns RD, Kerwin R, Kopecky EA, Lissin D, Malamut R, Markman JD, McDermott MP, Munera C, Porter L, Rauschkolb C, Rice ASC, Sampaio C, Skljarevski V, Sommerville K, Stacey B, Steigerwald I, Tobias J, Trentacosti AM, Wasan AD, Wells GA, Williams J, Witter J, Ziegler D. Considerations for improving assay sensitivity in chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2012;153:1148-1158.

  20. Greene K, Dworkin RH, Rowbotham MC. A snapshot and scorecard for analgesic clinical trials for chronic pain: the RReACT database. Pain, 2012;153:1794-1797.

  21. Smith SM, Chang RD, Pereira A, Shah N, Gilron I, Katz NP, Lin AH, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Rowbotham MC, Sampaio C, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Adherence to CONSORT harms reporting recommendations in publications of recent analgesic clinical trials: an ACTTION systematic review. Pain, 2012;153:2415-2421.

  22. Turk DC, O’Connor AB, Dworkin RH, Chaudhry A, Katz NP, Adams EH, Brownstein JS, Comer SD, Dart R, Dasgupta N, Denisco RA, Klein M, Leiderman DB, Lubran R, Rappaport BA, Zacny JP, Ahdieh H, Burke LB, Cowan P, Jacobs P, Malamut R, Markman J, Michna E, Palmer P, Peirce-Sandner S, Potter JS, Raja SN, Rauschkolb C, Roland CL, Webster LR, Weiss RD, Wolf K. Research design considerations for clinical studies of abuse-deterrent opioid analgesics: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2012;153:1997-2008.

  23. Dworkin RH, Allen R, Kopko S, Lu Y, Turk DC, Burke LB, Desjardins P, Etropolski M, Hewitt DJ, Jayawardena S, Lin AH, Malamut R, Michel D, Ottinger J, Peloso P, Pucino F, Rappaport BA, Skljarevski V, St. Peter D, Timinski S, West CR, Wilson HD. A standard database format for clinical trials of pain treatments: an ACTTION–CDISC initiative. Pain, 2013;154:11-14.

  24. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Peirce-Sandner S, He H, McDermott MP, Farrar JT, Katz NP, Lin AH, Rappaport BA, Rowbotham MC. Assay sensitivity and study characteristics in neuropathic pain trials: an ACTTION meta-analysis. Neurology, 2013;81:1-9.

  25. O'Connor AB, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Katz NP, Colucci R, Haythornthwaite JA, Klein M, O'Brien C, Posner K, Rappaport BA, Reisfield G, Adams EH, Balster RL, Bigelow GE, Burke LB, Comer SD, Cone E, Cowan P, Denisco RA, Farrar JT, Foltin RW, Haddox JD, Hertz S, Jay GW, Junor R, Kopecky EA, Leiderman DB, McDermott MP, Palmer PP, Raja SN, Rauschkolb C, Rowbotham MC, Sampaio C, Setnick B, Smith SM, Sokolowska M, Stauffer JW, Walsh SL, Zacny JP. Abuse liability measures for use in analgesic clinical trials in patients with pain: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2013;154:2324-2334.

  26. Rowbotham MC, Gilron I, Glazer C, Rice ASC, Smith BH, Stewart WF, Wasan AD. Can pragmatic trials help us better understand chronic pain and improve treatment? Pain 2013;154:643-6.

  27. Smith SM, Dart RC, Katz NP, Paillard F, Adams EH, Comer SD, Degroot A, Edwards RR, Haddox JD, Jaffe JH, Jones CM, Kleber HD, Kopecky EA, Markman JD, Montoya ID, O'Brien C, Roland CL, Stanton M, Strain EC, Vorsanger G, Wasan AD, Weiss RD, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Classification and definition of misuse, abuse, and related events in clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Pain, 2013;154:2287-2296.

  28. Smith SM, Wang AT, Katz NP, McDermott MP, Burke LB, Coplan P, Gilron I, Hertz SH, Lin AH, Rappaport BA, Rowbotham MC, Sampaio C, Sweeney M, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Adverse event assessment, analysis, and reporting in recent published analgesic clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Pain, 2013;154:997-1008.

  29. Smith SM, Wang AT, Pereira A, Chang RD, McKeown A, Greene K, Rowbotham MC, Burke LB, Coplan P, Gilron I, Hertz SH, Katz NP, Lin AH, McDermott MP, Papadopoulos EJ, Rappaport BA, Sweeney M, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Discrepancies between registered and published primary outcome specifications in analgesic trials: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Pain, 2013;154:2769-2774.

  30. Dufka FL, Dworkin RH, Rowbotham MC. How transparent are migraine clinical trials? Repository of Registered Migraine Trials (RReMIT). Neurology, 2014;83:1372-1381.

  31. Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Peirce-Sandner S, He H, McDermott MP, Hochberg MC, Jordan JM, Katz NP, Lin AH, Neogi T, Rappaport BA, Simon LS, Strand V. Meta-analysis of assay sensitivity and study features in clinical trials of pharmacologic treatments for osteoarthritis pain. Arthritis and Rheumatology, 2014;66:3327-3336.

  32. Farrar JT, Troxel AB, Haynes K, Gilron I, Kerns RD, Katz NP, Rappaport BA, Rowbotham MC, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. The effect of variability in the 7 day baseline pain diary on the assay sensitivity of neuropathic pain randomized clinical trials: an ACTTION study. Pain, 2014;155:1622-1631.

  33. Fillingim RB, Bruehl S, Dworkin RH, Dworkin SF, Loeser JD, Turk DC, Widerstrom-Noga E, Arnold L, Bennett R, Edwards RR, Freeman R, Gewandter J, Hertz S, Hochberg M, Krane E, Mantyh PW, Markman J, Neogi T, Ohrbach R, Paice JA, Porreca F, Rappaport BA, Smith SM, Smith TJ, Sullivan MD, Verne GN, Wasan AD, Wesselmann U. The ACTTION-American Pain Society Pain Taxonomy (AAPT): an evidence-based and multidimensional approach to classifying chronic pain conditions. Journal of Pain, 2014;15:241-249.

  34. Fillingim R, Dworkin RH, Turk DC. The ACTTION-APS Pain Taxonomy initiative: response to Henriques et al. Journal of Pain, 2014;15:1201-1202.

  35. Gewandter JS, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, McDermott MP, Baron R, Gastonguay M, Gilron I, Katz NP, Mehta C, Raja SN, Senn S, Taylor C, Cowan P, Desjardins P, Dimitrova R, Dionne R, Farrar JT, Hewitt DJ, Iyengar S, Jay GW, Kalso E, Kerns RD, Leff RL, Leong M, Petersen KL, Ravina BM, Rauschkolb C, Rice ASC, Rowbotham MC, Sampaio C, Sindrup SH, Stauffer JW, Steigerwald I, Stewart J, Tobias J, Treede RD, Wallace M, White RE. Research design considerations for proof-of-concept chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2014;155:1683-1695.

  36. Gewandter JS, McDermott MP, McKeown A, Smith SM, Pawlowski JR, Poli JJ, Rothstein D, Williams MR, Bujanover S, Farrar JT, Gilron I, Katz NP, Rowbotham MC, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Reporting of intention-to-treat analyses in recent analgesic clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Pain, 2014;155:2714-2719.

  37. Gewandter JS, McDermott MP, McKeown A, Smith SM, Williams MR, Hunsinger M, Farrar JT, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Reporting of missing data and methods used to accommodate them in recent analgesic clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Pain, 2014;155:1871-1877.

  38. Gewandter JS, Smith SM, McKeown A, Burke LB, Hertz SH, Hunsinger M, Katz NP, Lin AH, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Williams MR, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Reporting of primary analyses and multiplicity adjustment in recent analgesic clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Pain, 2014;155:461-466.

  39. Hunsinger M, Smith SM, McKeown A, Parkhurst M, Gross RA, Lin AH, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Disclosure of authorship contributions in analgesic clinical trials and related publications: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Pain, 2014;155:1059-1063.

  40. Hunsinger M, Smith SM, Rothstein D, McKeown A, Parkhurst M, Hertz S, Katz NP, Lin AH, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Adverse event reporting in non-pharmacologic, non-interventional pain clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review. Pain, 2014;155:2253-2262.

  41. Munch M, Dufka FL, Greene K, Smith SM, Dworkin RH, Rowbotham MC. RReACT goes global: perils and pitfalls of constructing a global open-access database of registered analgesic clinical trials and trial results. Pain, 2014;155:1313-1317.

  42. Dufka FL, Munch T, Dworkin RH, Rowbotham MC. Results availability for analgesic device, complex regional pain syndrome, and post-stroke pain trials: comparing the RReADS, RReACT and RReMiT databases. Pain, 2015;156:72-80.

  43. Gewandter JS, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Farrar JT, Fillingim RB, Gilron I, Markman JD, Oaklander AL, Polydefkis MJ, Raja SN, Robinson JP, Woolf CJ, Ziegler D, Ashburn MA, Burke LB, Cowan P, George SZ, Goli V, Graff OX, Iyengar S, Jay GW, Katz J, Kehlet H, Kitt RA, Kopecky EA, Malamut R, McDermott MP, Palmer P, Rappaport BA, Rauschkolb C, Steigerwald I, Tobias J, Walco GA. Research designs considerations for chronic pain prevention clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2015;156:1184-1197.

  44. Gewandter JS, McKeown A, McDermott MP, Dworkin JD, Smith SM, Gross RA, Hunsinger M, Lin AH, Rappaport BA, Rice ASC, Rowbotham MC, Williams MR, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Data interpretation in analgesic clinical trials with statistically nonsignificant primary analyses: An ACTTION systematic review. Journal of Pain, 2015;16:3-10.

  45. Gewandter JS, Smith SM, McKeown A, Edwards K, Narula A, Pawlowski JR, Rothstein D, Desjardins PJ, Dworkin SF, Gross RA, Ohrbach R, Rappaport BA, Sessle BJ, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Reporting of adverse events and statistical details of efficacy estimates in randomized clinical trials of pain in temporomandibular disorders: Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial, Translations, Innovations, Opportunities and Networks systematic review. Journal of the American Dental Assocation, 2015;146:246-254.

  46. McKeown A, Gewandter JS, McDermott MP, Pawlowski JR, Poli JJ, Rothstein D, Farrar JT, Gilron I, Katz NP, Lin AH, Rappaport BA, Rowbotham MC, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Smith SM. Reporting of sample size calculations in analgesic clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review. Journal of Pain, 2015;16:199-206.

  47. O’Connor AB, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Abuse liability: study the intended patient populations. Nature Reviews Neurology, 2015;doi:10.1038/nrneurol.2014.16-c1.

  48. Singla N, Hunsinger M, Chang PD, McDermott MP, Chowdhry AK, Desjardins PJ, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Assay sensitivity of pain intensity versus pain relief in acute pain clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pain, 2015;16:683-691.

  49. Smith SM, Hunsinger M, McKeown A, Parkhurst M, Allen R, Kopko S, Lu Y, Wilson HD, Burke LB, Desjardins P, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Quality of pain intensity assessment reporting: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Journal of Pain, 2015;16:299-305.

  50. Smith SM, Paillard F, McKeown A, Burke LB, Edwards RR, Katz NP, Papadopoulos EJ, Rappaport BA, Slagle A, Strain EC, Wasan AJ, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Instruments to identify abuse potential of prescription medications in clinical trials: ACTTION systematic review. Journal of Pain, 2015;16:389-411.

  51. Andrews NA, Latremoliere A, Basbaum AI, Mogil JS, Porreca F, Rice ASC, Woolf CJ, Currie GL, Dworkin RH, Eisenach JC, Evans S, Gewandter JS, Gover TD, Handwerker H, Huang W, Iyengar S, Jensen MP, Kennedy JD, Lee N, Levine J, Lidster K, Machin I, McDermott MP, McMahon SB, Price TJ, Ross SE, Scherrer G, Seal RP, Sena ES, Silva E, Stone L, Svensson CI, Turk DC, Whiteside G. Ensuring transparency and minimization of methodologic bias in preclinical pain research: PPRECISE considerations. Pain, 2016;157:901-909.

  52. Bruehl S, Ohrbach R, Sharma S, Widerstrom-Noga E, Dworkin RH, Fillingim RB, Turk DC. Approaches to demonstrating the reliability and validity of core diagnostic criteria for chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 2016;17(suppl 2):T118-131.

  53. Chowdhry AK, Dworkin RH, McDermott MP. Meta-analysis with missing study-level sample variance data. Statistics in Medicine, 2016;35:3021-3032.

  54. Cooper SA, Desjardins PJ, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Katz NP, Kehlet H, Ballantyne JC, Burke LB, Carragee E, Cowan P, Croll S, Dionne RA, Farrar JT, Gilron I, Gordon DB, Iyengar S, Jay GW, Kalso EA, Kerns RD, McDermott MP, Raja SN, Rappaport BA, Rauschkolb C, Royal MA, Segerdahl M, Stauffer JW, Todd KH, Vanhove GF, Wallace MS, West C, White RE, Wu C. Research design considerations for single-dose analgesic clinical trials in acute pain: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2016;157:288-301.

  55. Dworkin JD, McKeown A, Farrar JT, Gilron I, Hunsinger M, Kerns RD, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Gewandter JS. Deficiencies in reporting of statistical methodology in recent randomized trials of non-pharmacologic pain treatments: ACTTION systematic review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2016;72:56-65.

  56. Dworkin RH, Bruehl S, Fillingim RB, Loeser JD, Terman GW, Turk DC. Multidimensional diagnostic criteria for chronic pain: introduction to the ACTTION-American Pain Society Pain Taxonomy (AAPT). Journal of Pain, 2016;17(suppl 2):T1-T9.

  57. Edwards RR, Dworkin RH, Sullivan MD, Turk DC, Wasan AD. The role of psychosocial processes in the development and maintenance of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 2016;17(suppl 2):T70-T92.

  58. Edwards RR, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Angst MS, Dionne R, Freeman R, Hansson P, Haroutounian S, Arendt-Nielsen L, Attal N, Baron R, Brell J, Bujanover S, Burke LB, Carr D, Chappell AS, Cowan P, Etropolski M, Fillingim RB, Gewandter JS, Katz NP, Kopecky EA, Markman JD, Nomikos G, Porter L, Rappaport BA, Rice ASC, Scavone JM, Scholz J, Simon LS, Smith SM, Tobias J, Tockarshewsky T, Veasley C, Versavel M, Wasan AD, Wen W, Yarnitsky D. Patient phenotyping in clinical trials of chronic pain treatments: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2016;157:1851-1871.

  59. Fillingim RB, Loeser JD, Baron R, Edwards RR. Assessment of chronic pain: domains, methods, and mechanisms. Journal of Pain, 2016;17(suppl 2):T10-T20.

  60. Gewandter JS, McDermott MP, McKeown A, Hoang K, Iwan K, Kralovic S, Rothstein D, Gilron I, Katz NP, Raja SN, Senn S, Smith SM, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Reporting of cross-over clinical trials of analgesic treatments for chronic pain: Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations, Innovations, Opportunities, and Networks systematic review and recommendations. Pain, 2016;157:2544-2551.

  61. Kiluk BD, Carroll KM, Duhig A, Falk DE, Kampman K, Lai S, Litten RZ, McCann DJ, Montoya ID, Preston KL, Skolnick P, Weisner C, Woody G, Chandler R, Detke MJ, Dunn K, Dworkin RH, Fertig J, Gewandter J, Moeller FG, Ramey T, Ryan M, Silverman K, Strain EC. Measures of outcome for stimulant trials: ACTTION recommendations and research agenda. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016;158:1-7.

  62. Maixner W, Fillingim RB, Williams DA, Smith SB, Slade GD. Chronic overlapping pain conditions: implications for diagnosis and classification. Journal of Pain, 2016;17(suppl 2):T93-107.

  63. Smith SM, Amtmann A, Askew RL, Gewandter JS, Hunsinger M, Jensen MP, McDermott MP, Patel KV, Williams M, Bacci ED, Burke LB, Chambers CT, Cooper SA, Cowan P, Desjardins P, Etropolski M, Farrar JT, Gilron I, Huang I, Katz M, Kerns RD, Kopecky EA, Rappaport BA, Resnick M, Strand V, Vanhove GF, Veasley C, Versavel M, Wasan AD, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Pain intensity rating training: results from an exploratory study of the ACTTION PROTECCT system. Pain, 2016:157:1056-1064.

  64. Smith SM, Gewandter JS, Kitt RA, Markman JD, Vaughan JA, Cowan P, Kopecky EA, Malamut R, Sadosky A, Tive L, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Participant preferences for pharmacologic chronic pain treatment trial characteristics: an ACTTION adaptive choice-based conjoint study. Journal of Pain, 2016;17:1198-1206.

  65. Taylor AM, Phillips K, Patel KV, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Beaton D, Clauw DJ, Gignac MAM, Markman JD, Williams DA, Bujanover S, Burke LB, Carr DB, Choy EH, Conaghan PG, Cowan P, Farrar JT, Freeman R, Gewandter J, Gilron I, Goli V, Gover TD, Haddox JD, Kerns RD, Kopecky EA, Lee DA, Malamut R, Mease P, Rappaport BA, Simon LS, Singh JA, Smith SM, Strand V, Tugwell P, Vanhove GF, Veasley C, Walco GA, Wasan AD, Witter J. Assessment of physical function and participation in chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT/OMERACT recommendations. Pain, 2016;157:1836-1850.

  66. Turk DC, Fillingim RB, Ohrbach R, Patel KV. Assessment of psychosocial and functional impact of chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 2016;17(suppl 2):T21-T49.

  67. Vardeh D, Mannion RJ, Woolf CJ. Toward a mechanism-based approach to pain diagnosis. Journal of Pain, 2016;17(suppl 2):T50-T69.

  68. Walco GA, Krane EJ, Schmader KE, Weiner DK. Applying a lifespan developmental perspective to chronic pain: pediatrics to geriatrics. Journal of Pain, 2016;17(suppl 2):T108-T117.

  69. Williams MR, McKeown A, Dexter F, Miner JR, Sessler DI, Vargo J, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Efficacy outcome measures for procedural sedation clinical trials in adults: an ACTTION systematic review. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2016;122:152-170.

  70. Williams MR, McKeown A, Pressman Z, Hunsinger M, Lee K, Coplan P, Gilron I, Katz NP, McDermott MP, Raja SN, Rappaport BA, Rowbotham MC, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Smith SM. Adverse event reporting in clinical trials of intravenous and invasive pain treatments: an ACTTION systematic review. Journal of Pain, 2016;17:1137-1149.

  71. Dampier C, Palermo TM, Darbari DS, Hassel K, Smith W, Zempsky W. AAPT diagnostic criteria for chronic sickle cell disease pain. Journal of Pain, 2017;18:490-498.

  72. Dean LE, Arnold L, Crofford L, Bennett R, Goldenberg D, Fitzcharles M, Paiva E, Staud R, Clauw D, Sarzi-Puttini P, Jones GT, Ayorinde A, Flüb E, Beasley M, Macfarlane GJ. Impact of moving from a widespread to multisite pain definition on other fibromyalgia symptoms. Arthritis Care & Research, 2017;69:1878-1886.

  73. Gewandter JS, Burke L, Cavaletti G, Dworkin RH, Gibbons C, Gover TD, Herrmann DN, McArthur JC, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Reeve BB, Russell JW, Smith AG, Smith SM, Turk DC, Vinik AI, Freeman R. Content validity of symptom-based measures for diabetic, chemotherapy, and HIV peripheral neuropathy. Muscle & Nerve, 2017;55:366-372.

  74. Gewandter JS, Freeman R, Kitt RA, Cavaletti G, Gauthier LR, McDermott MP, Mohile NA, Mohile SG, Smith AG, Tejani MA, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy clinical trials: review and recommendations. Neurology, 2017;89:859-869.

  75. Gewandter JS, Kitt RA, Hunsinger MR, Poku J, Lozano J, Chaudari J, Evans S, Gross RA, McDermott MP, Rowbotham MC, Turk DC, Dworkin PH. Reporting of data monitoring boards in publications of randomized clinical trials is often deficient: ACTTION systematic review and recommendations. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2017;83:101-107.

  76. Gewandter, JS, McDermott MP, Kitt RA, Chaudari J, Koch JG, Evans SR, Gross RA, Markman JD, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Interpretation of CIs in clinical trials with non-significant results: systematic review and recommendations. BMJ Open, 2017;7:e017288.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017288.

  77. Kent ML, Tighe PJ, Belfer I, Brennan TJ, Bruehl S, Brummett CM, Buckenmaier CC III, Buvanendran A, Cohen RI, Desjardins P, Edwards D, Fillingim R, Gewandter J, Gordon DB, Hurley RW, Kehlet H, Loeser JD, Mackey S, McLean SA, Polomano R, Rahman S, Raja S, Rowbotham M, Suresh S, Schachtel B, Schreiber K, Schumacher M, Stacey B, Stanos S, Todd K, Turk DC, Weisman SJ, Wu C, Carr DB, Dworkin RH, Terman G. The ACTTION-APS-AAPM Pain Taxonomy (AAAPT) multidimensional approach to classifying acute pain conditions. Journal of Pain, 2017;18:479-489. (Also published in Pain Medicine, 2017;18:947-958)

  78. Kiluk BD, Babuscio TA, Nich C, Carroll KM. Initial validation of a proxy indicator of functioning as a potential tool for establishing a clinically meaningful cocaine use outcome. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2017;179:400-407.

  79. Paice JA, Mulvey M, Bennett M, Dougherty PM, Farrar JT, Mantyh PW, Miaskowski C, Schmidt B, Smith TJ. AAPT diagnostic criteria for chronic cancer pain conditions. Journal of Pain, 2017;18:233-246.

  80. Rothstein D, Kitt RA, Smith SM, Abdi S, Engle MP, McDermott MP, Raja SN, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Gewandter JS. Reporting of design features and analysis details in randomized clinical trials of procedural treatments for cancer pain: an ACTTION systematic review. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, 2017;42:392-399.

  81. Smith SM, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Baron R, Polydefkis M, Tracey I, Borsook D, Edwards RR, Harris RE, Wager TD, Arendt-Nielsen L, Burke LB, Carr DB, Chappell A, Farrar JT, Freeman R, Gilron I, Goli V, Haeussler J, Jensen T, Katz NP, Kent J, Kopecky EA, Lee DA, Maixner W, Markman JD, McArthur JC, McDermott MP, Parvathenani L, Raja SN, Rappaport BA, Rice ASC, Rowbotham MC, Tobias JK, Wasan AD, Witter J. The potential role of sensory testing, skin biopsy, and functional brain imaging as biomarkers in chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT considerations. Journal of Pain, 2017;18:757-777.

  82. Smith SM, Jones JK, Katz NP, Roland CL, Setnik B, Trudeau JJ, Wright S, Burke LB, Comer SD, Dart RC, Dionne R, Haddox JD, Jaffe JH, Kopecky EA, Martell BA, Montoya ID, Stanton M, Wasan AD, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Measures that identify prescription medication misuse, abuse, and related events in clinical trials: ACTTION critique and recommended considerations. Journal of Pain, 2017;18:1287-1294.

  83. Ward DS, Williams MR, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Sessler DI, Dexter F, for the SCEPTER authors. Recommendations for procedural sedation clinical trials. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2017;125:703-704.

  84. Widerstrom-Noga E, Loeser JD, Jensen TS, Finnerup NB. AAPT diagnostic criteria for central neuropathic pain. Journal of Pain, 2017:18:1417-1426.

  85. Williams MR, Ward DS, Carlson D, Cravero J, Dexter F, Lightdale JR, Mason KP, Miner J, Vargo JJ, Berkenbosch JW, Clark RM, Constant I, Dionne R, Dworkin RH, Gozal D, Grayzel D, Irwin MG, Lerman J, O’Connor RE, Pandharipande P, Rappaport BA, Riker RR, Tobin JR, Turk DC, Twersky RS, Sessler DI. Evaluating patient-centered outcomes in clinical trials of procedural sedation, part 1 efficacy: Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research recommendations. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2017;124:821-830.

  86. Gewandter JS, Brell J, Cavaletti G, Dougherty PM, Evans S, Howie L, McDermott MP, O'Mara A, Smith AG, Dastros-Pitei D, Gauthier LR, Haroutounian S, Jarpe M, Katz NP, Loprinzi C, Richardson P, Lavoie-Smith EM, Wen PY, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Freeman R. Trial designs for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy prevention: ACTTION recommendations. Neurology, 2018;91:403-413.

  87. Gewandter JS, Chaudari J, Iwan KB, Kitt R, As-Sanie S, Bachmann G, Clemens Q, Lai HH, Tu F, Verne GN, Vincent K, Wesselmann U, Zhou Q, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Smith SM. Research design characteristics of published pharmacologic randomized clinical trials for irritable bowel syndrome and chronic pelvic pain conditions: an ACTTION systematic review. Journal of Pain, 2018;19:717-726.

  88. Patel KV, Allen R, Burke L, Farrar JT, Gewandter JS, Gilron I, Katz NP, Markman JD, Marshall SF, Resnick M, Rice ASC, Rowbotham MC, Smith SM, Vanhove GF, Wasan AD, Zhang S, Dworkin RH, Turk DC. Evaluation of composite responder outcomes of pain intensity and physical function in neuropathic pain clinical trials: an ACTTION individual patient data analysis. Pain, 2018;159:2245-2254.

  89. Smith SM, Jensen MP, He H, Kitt R, Koch J, Pan A, Burke LB, Farrar JT, McDermott MP, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. A comparison of the assay sensitivity of average and worst pain intensity in pharmacologic trials: an ACTTION systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pain, 2018;19:953-960.

  90. Walco GA, Kopecky EA, Weisman SJ, Stinson J, Stevens B, Desjardins PJ, Berde CB, Krane EJ, Anand KJS, Yaster M, Dampier CD, Dworkin RH, Gilron I, Lynn AM, Maxwell LG, Raja S, Schachtel B, Turk DC. Clinical trial designs and models for analgesic medications for acute pain in neonates, infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents: ACTTION recommendations. Pain, 2018;159:193-205.

  91. Ward DS, Williams MR, Berkenbosch JW, Bhatt M, Carlson D, Chappell P, Clark RM, Constant I, Conway A, Cravero J, Dahan A, Dexter F, Dionne R, Dworkin RH, Gan TJ, Gozal D, Green S, Irwin MG, Karan S, Kochman M, Lerman J, Lightdale JR, Litman RS, Mason KP, Miner J, O’Connor RE, Pandharipande P, Riker RR, Roback MG, Sessler DI, Sexton A, Tobin JR, Turk DC, Twersky RS, Urman RD, Weiss M, Wunsch H, Zhao-Wong A. Evaluating patient-centered outcomes in clinical trials of procedural sedation, part 2 safety: Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research recommendations. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2018:127:1146-1154.

  92. Williams MR, Nayshtut M, Hoefnagel A, McKeown A, Carlson DW, Cravero J, Lightdale J, Mason KP, Wilson S, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Ward DS. Efficacy outcome measures for pediatric procedural sedation clinical trials: an ACTTION systematic review. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2018;126:956-967.

  93. Zhou Q, Wesselmann U, Walker L, Lee L, Zeltzer L, Verne GN. AAPT diagnostic criteria for chronic abdominal, pelvic, and urogenital pain: irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Pain, 2018;19:257-263.

  94. Adams MCB, Bicket MC, Murphy JD, Wu CL, Hurley RW. Opportunities and challenges for junior investigators conducting pain clinical trials. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e639.

  95. Arnold LM, Bennett RM, Crofford LJ, Dean LE, Clauw DJ, Goldenberg DL, Fitzcharles MA, Paiva ES, Staud R, Sarzi-Puttini P, Buskila D, Macfarlane GJ. AAPT diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia. Journal of Pain, 2019;20:611-628.

  96. Arnold LM, Bennett RM, Crofford LJ, Dean LE, Clauw DJ, Goldenberg DL, Fitzcharles MA, Paiva ES, Staud R, Sarzi-Puttini P, Buskila D, Macfarlane GJ. Response to Wolfe. Letter to the editor, “Fibromyalgia criteria.” Journal of Pain, 2019;20:741-742.

  97. Campbell CM, Gilron I, Doshi T, Raja S. Designing and conducting proof-of-concept chronic pain analgesic clinical trials. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e697.

  98. Cohen SP, Wallace M, Rauck RL, Stacey BR. Unique aspects of clinical trials of invasive therapies for chronic pain. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e687.

  99. Comer SD, Dworkin RH, Strain EC. Medical devices to prevent opioid use disorder: innovative approaches to addressing the opioid crisis. JAMA Psychiatry, 2019;76:351-352.

  100. Connolly MR, Chaudari, JY, Yang X, Ward N, Kitt RA, Herrmann RS, Krane EJ, LeBel AA, Smith SM, Walco GA, Weisman SJ, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Gewandter JS. Design and reporting characteristics of clinical trials of select chronic and recurrent pediatric pain conditions: an Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations, Innovations, Opportunities, and Networks systematic review. Journal of Pain, 2019;20:394-404.

  101. Dworkin RH, Kerns RD, McDermott MP, Turk DC, Veasley C. The ACTTION Guide to Clinical Trials of Pain Treatments: standing on the shoulders of giants. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e757.

  102. Dworkin RH, Kerns RD, McDermott MP, Turk DC, Veasley C, editors. The ACTTION Guide to Clinical Trials of Pain Treatments, part I. Pain Reports, 2019;4:

  103. Edmond SN, Turk DC, Williams DA, Kerns RD. Considerations of trial design and conduct in behavioral interventions for the management of chronic pain in adults. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e655.

  104. Field JJ, Ballas SK, Campbell CM, Crosby LE, Dampier C, Darbari DS, McClish DK, Smith WR, Zempsky WT. AAAPT diagnostic criteria for acute sickle cell pain. Journal of Pain, 2019;20:746-759.

  105. Freeman R, Edwards R, Baron R, Bruehl S, Cruccu G, Dworkin RH, Haroutounian S. AAPT diagnostic criteria for peripheral neuropathic pain: focal and segmental disorders. Journal of Pain, 2019;20:369-393.

  106. Gewandter JS, Eisenach JC, Gross RA, Jensen MP, Keefe FJ, Lee DA, Turk DC. Checklist for the preparation and review of pain clinical trial publications: a pain-specific supplement to CONSORT. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e621.

  107. Gewandter JS, Gibbons CH, Campagnolo M, Lee J, Chaudari J, Ward N, Burke L, Cavaletti G, Herrmann DN, McArthur JC, Russell JW, Smith AG, Smith SM, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Freeman R. Clinician-rated measures for distal symmetrical axonal polyneuropathy: ACTTION systematic review. Neurology, 2019;93:346-360.

  108. Gewandter JS, McDermott MP, He H, Gao S, Cai X, Farrar JT, Katz NP, Markman JD, Senn S, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Demonstrating heterogeneity of treatment effects among patients: an overlooked but important step toward precision medicine. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2019;106:204-210.

  109. Gewandter JS, McDermott MP, Mbowe O, Edwards RR, Katz NP, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Navigating trials of personalized pain treatments: we’re going to need a bigger boat. Pain, 2019;160:1235-1239.

  110. Gilron I, Carr DB, Desjardins PJ, Kehlet H. Current methods and challenges for acute pain trials. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e647.

  111. Kent ML, Tighe PJ, Bruehl S, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. The ACTTION-APS-AAPM Pain Taxonomy (AAAPT) diagnostic criteria for acute pain conditions: an introduction. Journal of Pain, 2019;20:743-745.

  112. Kiluk BD, Fitzmaurice GM, Strain EC, Weiss RD. What defines a clinically meaningful outcome in the treatment of substance use disorders: reductions in direct consequences of drug use or improvement in overall functioning? Addiction, 2019;114:9-15.

  113. Kiluk BD, Fitzmaurice GM, Strain EC, Weiss RD. Reply to commentaries: the quest(ion) remains in the search for a meaningful reduction-based endpoint. Addiction, 2019;114:21-23.

  114. Kleykamp BA, De Santis M, Dworkin RH, Huhn AS, Kampman KM, Montoya ID, Preston KL, Ramey T, Smith SM, Turk DC, Walsh R, Weiss RD, Strain EC. Craving and opioid use disorder: a scoping review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2019;205:107639.

  115. Kleykamp BA, Weiss RD, Strain EC. Time to reconsider the role of craving in opioid use disorder. JAMA Psychiatry, 2019;76:1113-1114.

  116. Lee DC, Schlienz NJ, Peters EN, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Strain EC, Vandrey R. Systematic review of outcome domains and measures used in psychosocial and pharmacological treatment trials for cannabis use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2019;194:500-517.

  117. Ohrbach R, Dworkin SF. AAPT diagnostic criteria for chronic painful temporomandibular disorders. Journal of Pain, 2019;20:1276-1292.

  118. Palermo TM, Kashikar-Zuck S, Friedrichsdorf SJ, Powers SW. Special considerations in conducting clinical trials of chronic pain management interventions in children and adolescents and their families. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e649.

  119. Rowbotham MC, McDermott MP. Ethical considerations in the design, execution, and analysis of clinical trials of chronic pain treatments. Pain Reports, 2019;4:e646.

  120. Abdallah FW, Gilron I, Fillingim RB, Tighe P, Parvataneni, HK, Ghasemlou N, Sawhney M, McCartney CJL. AAAPT diagnostic criteria for acute knee arthroplasty pain. Pain Medicine, 2020;21:1049-1060.

  121. Bicket MC, Grant MC, Scott MJ, Terman GW, Wick EC, Wu CL. AAAPT diagnostic criteria for acute abdominal and peritoneal pain after surgery. Journal of Pain, 2020;21:1125-1137.

  122. Cai X, Gewandter JS, He H, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, McDermott MP. Estimands and missing data in clinical trials of chronic pain treatments: advances in design and analysis. Pain, 2020;161:2306-2320.

  123. Curatolo M. Common biological modulators of acute pain: an overview within the AAAPT project (ACTTION-APS-AAPM Acute Pain Taxonomy). Pain Medicine, 2020;21:2394-2400.

  124. Freeman R, Gewandter JS, Faber CG, Gibbons C, Haroutounian S, Lauria G, Levine T, Malik RA, Singleton JR, Smith AG, Bell J, Dworkin RH, Feldman E, Herrmann DN, Hoke A, Kolb N, Mansikka H, Oaklander AL, Peltier A, Polydefkis M, Ritt E, Russell JW, Sainati S, Steiner D, Treister R, Üçeyler N. Idiopathic distal sensory polyneuropathy: ACTTION diagnostic criteria. Neurology, 2020;95:1005-1014.

  125. Gewandter JS, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Devine EG, Hewitt D, Jensen MP, Katz NP, Kirkwood AA, Malamut R , Markman JD, Vrijens B, Burke L, Campbell JN, Carr DB, Conaghan PG, Cowan P, Doyle MK, Edwards RR, Evans SR, Farrar JT, Freeman R, Gilron I, Juge D, Kerns RD, Kopecky EA, McDermott MP, Niebler G, Patel KV, Rauck R, Rice ASC, Rowbotham M, Sessler NE, Simon LS, Singla N, Skljarevski V, Tockarshewsky T, Vanhove GF, Wasan AD, Witter J. Improving study conduct and data quality in clinical trials of chronic pain treatments: IMMPACT recommendations. Journal of Pain, 2020;21:931-942.

  126. Loflin MJE, Kiluk BD, Huestis MA, Aklin WM, Budney AJ, Carroll JM, D'Souza DC, Dworkin RH, Gray KM, Hasin DS, Lee DC, Le Foll B, Levin FR, Lile JA, Mason BJ, McRae-Clark AL, Montoya I, Peters EN, Ramey T, Turk DC, Vandrey R, Weiss RD, Strain EC. The state of clinical outcome assessments for cannabis use disorder clinical trials: a review and research agenda. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2020;212:107993.

  127. Markman JD, Czerniecka-Foxx K, Khalsa PS, Hayek SM, Asher AL, Loeser JD, Chou R. AAPT diagnostic criteria for chronic low back pain, Journal of Pain, 2020;21:1138-1148.

  128. Mbowe OB, Gewandter JS, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, McDermott MP. Are there really only two kinds of people in the world?: evaluating the distribution of change from baseline in pain clinical trials. Pain, 2020;161:195-201.

  129. Nicol AL, Adams MCB, Gordon DB, Mirza S, Dickerson D, Mackey S, Edwards D, Hurley RW. AAAPT diagnostic criteria for acute low back pain with and without lower extremity pain. Pain Medicine, 2020;21:2661-2675.

  130. Schreiber KL, Belfer I, Miaskowski C, Schumacher M, Stacey BR, Van De Ven T. AAAPT diagnostic criteria for acute pain following breast surgery. Journal of Pain, 2020;21:294-305.

  131. Smith SM, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, McDermott MP, Eccleston C, Farrar JT, Rowbotham MC, Bhagwagar Z, Burke LB, Cowan P, Ellenberg SS, Evans SR, Freeman RL, Garrison LP, Iyengar S, Jadad A, Jensen MP, Junor R, Kamp C, Katz NP, Kesslak JP, Kopecky EA, Lissin D, Markman JD, Mease PJ, O’Connor AB, Patel KV, Raja SN, Sampaio C, Schoenfeld D, Singh J, Steigerwald I, Strand V, Tive LA, Tobias J, Wasan AD, Wilson HD. Interpretation of chronic pain clinical trial outcomes: IMMPACT recommended considerations. Pain, 2020;161:2446-2461.

  132. Smith SM, Fava M, Jensen MP, Mbowe OB, McDermott MP, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. John D. Loeser Award Lecture: Size does matter, but it isn’t everything: the challenge of modest treatment effects in chronic pain clinical trials. Pain, 2020;161(suppl 1):S3-S13.

  133. Xu A, Larsen B, Baller EB, Scott JC, Sharma V, Adebimpe A, Basbaum AI, Dworkin RH, Edwards RR, Woolf CJ, Eickhoff SB, Eickhoff CR, Satterthwaite TD. Convergent neural representations of experimentally-induced acute pain in healthy volunteers: a large-scale fMRI meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2020;112:300-323.

  134. Bayman EC, Curatolo M, Rahman S, Brennan TJ. AAAPT diagnostic criteria for acute thoracic surgery pain. Journal of Pain, 2021;22:892-904.

  135. Bayman EO, Oleson JJ, Rabbitts JA. AAAPT: assessment of the acute pain trajectory. Pain Medicine, 2021;533-547.

  136. Doshi TL, Dworkin RH, Polomano RC, Carr DB, Edwards RR, Finnerup NB, Freeman RL, Paice JA, Weisman SJ, Raja SN. AAAPT diagnostic criteria for acute neuropathic pain. Pain Medicine, 2021;22:616-636.

  137. Dworkin RH, Evans SR, Mbowe O, McDermott MP. Essential statistical principles of clinical trials of pain treatments. Pain Reports, 2021;6:e863.

  138. Dworkin RH, Kerns RD, McDermott MP, Turk DC, Veasley C. The ACTTION Guide to Clinical Trials of Pain Treatments, part II: mitigating bias, maximizing value. Pain Reports, 2021;6:e886.

  139. Dworkin RH, Kerns RD, McDermott MP, Turk DC, Veasley C, editors. The ACTTION Guide to Clinical Trials of Pain Treatments, part II. Pain Reports, 2021;6:

  140. Gewandter JS, McDermott MP, Evans S, Katz NP, Markman JD, Simon LS, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Composite outcomes for pain clinical trials: considerations for design and interpretation. Pain, 2021;162:1899-1905.

  141. Gewandter JS, Smith SM, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Gan TJ, Gilron I, Hertz S, Katz NP, Markman JD, Raja SN, Rowbotham MC, Stacey BR, Strain EC, Ward DS, Farrar JT, Kroenke K, Rathmell JP, Rauck R, Brown C, Brown J, Cowan P, Edwards RR, Eisenach JC, Ferguson M, Freeman R, Gray R, Giblin K, Grol-Prokopczyk H, Haythornthwaite J, Jamison RN, Martel M, McNicol E, Oshinsky ML, Sandbrink F, Scholz J, Scranton R, Simon LS, Steiner D, Verburg K, Wasan AD, Wentworth K. Research approaches for evaluating opioid sparing in clinical trials of acute and chronic pain treatments: Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials recommendations. Pain, 2021;162:2669-2681.

  142. Haroutounian S, Todorovic MS, Leinders M, Campagnolo M, Gewandter JS, Dworkin RH, Freeman R. Diagnostic criteria for idiopathic small fiber neuropathy: a systematic review. Muscle & Nerve, 2021;63:170-177.

  143. Katz NP. The design and conduct of confirmatory chronic pain clinical trials. Pain Reports, 2021;6:e854.

  144. Katz N, Dworkin RH, North R, Thomson S, Eldabe S, Hayek SM, Kopell BH, Markman J, Rezai A, Taylor RS, Turk DC, Buchser E, Fields H, Fiore G, Ferguson M, Gewandter J, Hilker C, Jain R, Leitner A, Loeser J, McNicol E, Nurmikko T, Shipley J, Singh R, Trescot A, van Dongen R, Venkatesan L. Research design considerations for randomized controlled trials of spinal cord stimulation for pain: Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials/Institute of Neuromodulation/International Neuromodulation Society recommendations. Pain, 2021;162:1935-1956.

  145. Kleykamp BA, Ferguson MC, McNicol E, Bixho I, Arnol LM, Edwards RR, Fillingim R, Grol-Prokopczyk H, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. The prevalence of psychiatric and chronic pain comorbidities in fibromyalgia: an ACTTION systematic review. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2021;51:166-174.

  146. Lee JJ, Price JC, Gewandter JS, Kleykamp BA, Biagas KV, Naim MY, Ward DS, Dworkin RH, Sun LS. Design and reporting characteristics of clinical trials investigating sedation practices in the pediatric intensive care unit: a scoping review by SCEPTER (Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research). BMJ Open, 2021;11:e053519:doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053519.

  147. McNicol E, Ferguson M, Bungay K, Rowe EL, Eldabe S, Gewandter JS, Hayek SM, Katz N, Kopell BH, Markman J, Rezai A, Taylor RS, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, North RB, Thomson S. Systematic review of research methods and reporting quality of randomized clinical trials of spinal cord stimulation for pain. Journal of Pain, 2021;22:127-142.

  148. Patel K, Amtmann D, Jensen MP, Smith SM, Veasley C, Turk DC. Clinical outcome assessment in clinical trials of chronic pain treatments. Pain Reports, 2021;6:e784.

  149. Strain EC, Kampman KM, Weiss RD. Moving beyond medications that act at the µ receptor in the treatment of opioid use disorder. JAMA Psychiatry, 2021;78:701-702.

  150. Ward DS, Absalom AR, Aitken LM, Balas MC, Brown DL, Burry L, Colantuoni E, Coursin D, Devlin JW, Dexter F, Dworkin RH, Egan TD, Elliott D, Egerod I, Flood P, Fraser GL, Girard TD, Gozal D, Hopkins RO, Kress J, Maze M, Needham DM, Pandharipande P, Riker R, Sessler DI, Shafer SL, Shehabi Y, Spies C, Sun LS, Tung A, Urman RD. Design of clinical trials evaluating sedation in critically ill adults undergoing mechanical ventilation: recommendations from Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research (SCEPTER) Recommendation III. Critical Care Medicine, 2021;49:1684-1693.

  151. Xu A, Larsen B, Henn A, Baller EB, Scott JC, Sharma V, Adebimpe A, Basbaum AI, Corder G, Dworkin RH, Edwards RR, Woolf CJ, Eickhoff SB, Eickhoff CR, Satterthwaite TD. Brain responses to noxious stimuli in patients with chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Network Open, 2021;4:e2032236.

  152. Dworkin RH, Anderson BT, Andrews N, Edwards RR, Grob CS, Ross S, Satterthwaite TD, Strain EC. If the doors of perception were cleansed, would chronic pain be relieved?: evaluating the benefits and risks of psychedelics. Journal of Pain, 2022;23:1666-1679.

  153. Hohenschurz-Schmidt D, Kleykamp BA, Draper-Rodi J, Vollert J, Chan J, Ferguson M, McNicol E, Phalip J, Evans SR, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Rice ASC. Pragmatic trials of pain therapies: a systematic review of methods. Pain, 2022;163:21-46.

  154. Holzer KJ, Veasley C, Kerns RD, Edwards RR, Gewandter JS, Langford DJ, Yaeger LH, McNicol E, Ferguson M, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Haroutounian S. Partnering with patients in clinical trials of pain treatments: a narrative review. Pain, 2022;163:1862-1873.

  155. Huhn AS, Ellis JD, Dunn KE, Scholler DJ, Tabaschek P, Burns R, Strain EC. Patient-reported sleep outcomes in randomized-controlled trials in persons with substance use disorders: a systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2022; 237:109508.

  156. Huhn AS, Dunn KE, Ellis JD, Scholler DJ, Tabaschek P, Burns R, Strain EC. Objective sleep outcomes in randomized-controlled trials in persons with substance use disorders: a systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,2022; 237:109509.

  157. Kleykamp BA, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Bhagwagar Z, Cowan P, Eccleston C, Ellenberg SS, Evans SR, Farrar JT, Freeman RL, Garrison LP, Gewandter JS, Goli V, Iyengar S, Jadad AR, Jensen MP, Junor R, Katz NP, Kesslak JP, Kopecky EA, Lissin D, Markman JD, McDermott MP, Mease PJ, O’Connor AB, Patel KV, Raja SN, Rowbotham MC, Sampaio C, Singh JA, Steigerwald I, Strand V, Tive LA, Tobias J, Wasan AD, Wilson HD. Benefit-risk assessment and reporting in clinical trials of chronic pain treatments: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 2022;163:1006-1018.

  158. Kleykamp BA, Ferguson MC, McNicol E, Bixho I, Arnold LM, Edwards RR, Fillingim R, Grol-Prokopczyk H, Ohrbach R, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. The prevalence of comorbid chronic pain conditions among patients with temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review. Journal of the American Dental Association, 2022;153:241-250.

  159. Kleykamp BA, Ferguson MC, McNicol E, Bixho I, Matthews M, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Strain EC. A comparison of registered and published primary outcomes in clinical trials of opioid use disorder: ACTTION review and recommendations. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2022;236:109447.

  160. Langford DJ, Gewandter JS, Amtmann D, Reeve BB, Corneli A, McKenna K, Swezey T, McFatrich M, Jensen MP, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Initial content validation and roadmap for a new patient-reported outcome measure of pain intensity. Journal of Pain, 2022;23:1945-1957.

  161. Langford DJ, Gewandter JS, Amtmann D, Reeve BB, Hertz S, Loeser JD, Veasley C, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Patient-reported chronic pain intensity: more than meets the eye. The Patient – Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, 2022;15:383-387.

  162. Dworkin RH, McDermott MP, Nayak SM, Strain EC. Psychedelics and psychotherapy: is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2023;114:1166-1169.

  163. Edwards RR, Schreiber KL, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Baron R, Freeman R, Jensen TS, Latremoliere A, Markman JD, Rice ASC, Rowbotham M, Staud R, Tate S, Woolf CJ, Andrews NA, Carr DB, Colloca L, Cosma-Roman D, Cowan P, Diatchenko L, Farrar J, Gewandter JS, Gilron I, Kerns RD, Marchand S, Niebler G, Patel KV, Simon LS, Tockarshewsky T, Vanhove GF, Vardeh D, Walco GA, Wasan AD, Wesselmann U. Optimizing and accelerating the development of precision pain treatments for chronic pain: IMMPACT review and recommendations. Journal of Pain, 2023;24:204-225.

  164. Ferguson MC, McNicol E, Kleykamp BA, Sandoval K, Haroutounian S, Holzer KJ, Kerns RD, Veasley C, Turk DC, Dworkin RH. Perspectives on participation in clinical trials among individuals with pain, depression, and/or anxiety: an ACTTION scoping review. Journal of Pain, 2023;24:24-37.

  165. Henn AT, Larsen B, Frahm L, Xu A, Adebimpe A, Scott JC, Linguiti S, Sharma V, Basbaum AI, Corder G, Dworkin RH, Edwards RR, Woolf CJ, Habel U, Eickhoff SB, Eickhoff CR, Wagels L, Satterthwaite TD. Structural imaging studies of patients with chronic pain: an anatomic likelihood estimate meta-analysis. Pain, 2023;164:e10-e24.

  166. Hohenschurz-Schmidt DJ, Cherkin D, Rice ASC, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, McDermott MP, Bair MJ, DeBar LL, Edwards RR, Farrar JT, Kerns RD, Markman JD, Rowbotham MC, Sherman KJ, Wasan AD, Cowan P, Desjardins P, Ferguson M, Freeman R, Gewandter JS, Gilron I, Grol-Prokopczyk H, Hertz SH, Iyengar S, Kamp C, Karp BI, Kleykamp BA, Loeser JD, Mackey S, Malamut R, McNicol E, Patel KV, Sandbrink F, Schmader K, Simon L, Steiner DJ, Veasley C, Vollert J. Research objectives and general considerations for pragmatic clinical trials of pain treatments: IMMPACT statement. Pain, 2023;164:1457-1472.

  167. Kiluk BD, Kleykamp BA, Comer SD, Griffiths RR, Huhn AS, Johnson MW, Kampman KM, Pravetoni M, Preston KL, Vandrey R, Bergeria CL, Bogenschutz MP, Brown RT, Dunn KE, Dworkin RH, Finan PH, Hendricks PS, Houtsmuller EJ, Kosten TR, Lee DC, Levin FR, McRae-Clark A, Raison CL, Rasmussen K, Turk DC, Weiss RD, Strain EC. Clinical trial design challenges and opportunities for emerging treatments for opioid use disorder: a review. JAMA Psychiatry, 2023;80:84-92.

  168. Langford DJ, Baron R, Edwards RR, Gewandter JS, Gilron I, Griffin R, Kamerman PR, Katz NP, McDermott MP, Rice ASC, Turk DC, Vollert J, Dworkin RH. What should be the entry pain intensity criteria for chronic pain clinical trials?: an IMMPACT update. Pain, 2023;164:1927-1930.

  169. Langford DJ, Lou R, Sheen S, Amtmann D, Colloca L, Edwards RR, Farrar JT, Katz NP, McDermott MP, Reeve BB, Wasan AD, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Gewandter JS. Expectations for improvement: a neglected but potentially important covariate or moderator for chronic pain clinical trials. Journal of Pain, 2023;24:575-581.

  170. Langford DJ, Sharma S, McDermott MP, Beeram A, Besherat S, France FO, Mark R, Park M, Nishtar M, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Gewandter JS. Covariate adjustment in chronic pain trials: an oft-missed opportunity. Journal of Pain, 2023;24:1555-1569.

  171. Linguiti S, Vogel JW, Sydnor VJ, Pines A, Wellman N, Basbaum A, Eickhoff CR, Eickhoff SB, Edwards RR, Larsen B, McKinstry-Wu A, Scott JC, Roalf DR, Sharma V, Strain EC, Corder G, Dworkin RH, Satterthwaite TD. Functional imaging studies of acute administration of classic psychedelics, ketamine, and MDMA: methodological limitations and convergent results. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2023;154:105421.

  172. Nayak SM, Bradley MK, Kleykamp BA, Strain EC, Dworkin RH, Johnson MW. Control conditions in randomized trials of psychedelics: an ACTTION systematic review. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2023;84:22r14518.

  173. Vollert J, Kleykamp BA, Farrar JT, Gilron I, Hohenschurz-Schmidt D, Kerns RD, Mackey S, Markman JD, McDermott MP, Rice ASC, Turk DC, Wasan AD, Dworkin RH. Real-world data and evidence in pain research: a qualitative systematic review of methods in current practice. Pain Reports, 2023;8:e1057.

  174. Bergeria CL, Park B, Satyavolu PU, Dunn KE, Dworkin RH, Strain EC. Virtual focus groups among individuals with use disorders: assessing feasibility and acceptability in an underserved clinical population. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2024;15:1352300.

  175. Dworkin RH, McDermott MP, Nayak SM, Strain EC. Reply to "Capturing synergy holistically in psychedelic clinical trials." Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2024;115:401-402.

  176. Haroutounian S, Holzer KJ, Kerns RD, Veasley C, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Carman KL, Chambers CT, Cowan P, Edwards RR, Eisenach J, Farrar JT, Ferguson M, Forsythe LP, Freeman R, Gewandter JS, Gilron I, Goertz C, Grol-Prokopczyk H, Iyengar S, Jordan I, Kamp C, Kleykamp BA, Knowles RL, Langford DJ, Mackey S, Malamut R, Markman J, Martin K, McNicol E, Patel KV, Rice ASC, Rowbotham M, Sandbrink F, Simon LS, Steiner D, Vollert J. Patient engagement in designing, conducting, and disseminating clinical pain research: IMMPACT-recommended considerations. Pain, 2024;165:1013-1028.

  177. Hohenschurz-Schmidt D, Cherkin D, Rice ASC, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, McDermott MP, Bair MJ, DeBar LL, Edwards RR, Evans S, Farrar JT, Kerns RD, Rowbotham MC, Wasan AD, Cowan P, Ferguson M, Freeman R, Gewandter JS, Gilron I, Grol-Prokopczyk H, Iyengar S, Kamp C, Karp BI, Kleykamp BA, Loeser JD, Mackey S, Malamut R, McNicol E, Patel KV, Schmader K, Simon L, Steiner DJ, Veasley C, Vollert J. Methods for pragmatic randomized clinical trials of pain therapies: IMMPACT statement. Pain, 2024;165:2165-2183.

  178. Jackson SS, Lee JJ, Jackson WM, Price JC, Beers SR, Berkenbosch JW, Biagas, KV, Dworkin RH, Houck CS, Li G, Smith HAB, Ward DS, Zimmerman KO, Curley MAQ, Horvat CM, Huang DT, Pinto NP, Salorio CF, Slater R, Slomine BS, West LL, Wypij D, Yeates KO, Sun LS. Sedation research in critically ill pediatric patients: proposals for future study design from the Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research IV workshop. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2024;25:e193-e204.

  179. Langford DJ, Mark RP, France FO, Nishtar M, Park M, Sharma S, Shklyar IC, Schnitzer TJ, Conaghan PG, Amtmann D, Reeve BB, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Gewandter JS. Use of patient-reported global assessment measures in clinical trials of chronic pain treatments: ACTTION systematic review and considerations. Pain, 2024;165:2445-2454.

  180. Nishtar M, Mark R, Langford DJ, McDermott MP, Markman JD, Evans SR, France FO, Park M, Sharma S, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Gewandter JS. Evaluating the balance of benefits and harms in chronic pain clinical trials: prioritizing individual participants over individual outcomes. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, 2024;49:363-367.

  181. Knapp A, Sun L, Sanhai W. The Pediatric Anesthesia Safety Initiative: a public-private partnership for children. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 2025;37:98-99.

  182. Singleton SP, Sevchik BL, Vandekar SN, Strain EC, Nayak SM, Dworkin RH, Scott JC, Satterthwaite TD. An initiative for living evidence synthesis in clinical psychedelic research. Nature Mental Health, 2025;3:3-5.

  183. Sun LS. Anesthesia/analgesia/sedation and brain health in children: a supplement of the eighth PANDA symposium. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 2025;37:93-94.

  184. Holzer KJ, Bernstein H, Veasley C, Haroutounian S, Amtmann D, Pederson AB, Reeve BB, Turk DC, Dworkin RH, Langford DJ. Attitudes toward patient engagement in clinical pain research: insights from individuals with chronic pain in the United States. Journal of Pain, in press.


ACTTION Guide to Clinical Trials of Pain Treatments

The ACTTION Guide to Clinical Trials of Pain Treatments consists of two supplements published in the journal Pain Reports that include a series of articles describing research designs and methods, study conduct, outcome measures, data analyses and interpretation, and reporting recommendations for clinical trials of acute and chronic pain treatments.

Part I includes 9 articles that can be found here, and Part II includes 6 articles that can be found here.